Curvy Couture

As an entrepreneur, blogger, and busy mom of four, I'm constantly on the go and often times meeting other's needs supersedes my own personal needs. One of the areas that has needed some love and attention is my lingerie drawer. Recently I've lost a few inches on my waistline and evidently my bra size had also changed.


For years I've been wearing Victoria's Secret and enjoyed the in-store experience (when they had my size in stock). Leaving the VS store with their signature pink and black bag containing a new bra and candy flavored lipgloss always felt like a decadent treat. Getting the bra home and wearing it never really felt that much different.


A friend of mine introduced me to Dora Lau, owner and designer of Curvy Couture. The brand is owned and operated by curvy women, for curvy women. And the women behind the Curvy Couture brand are all women of color (bonus points). Dora Lau's designs are  evidence that she truly is an expert in her field as well as a 25 year veteran in the intimates business.



When I put on the Curvy Couture Lace Shine T-Shirt bra, I felt supported and secure. When I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection I felt fabulous! The bra transformed my shape and accentuated my slimmer waistline. As I walked out the door to hit the red carpet event I was expected to attend my husband noted that something seemed different, I just looked like I felt good, and I did feel good. Isn't that what it's all about? 




Disclosure: I received two beautiful bras and undies. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

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